Registration System
Maintenance of Enrollment Registration Data
  1. 開放時間:

  2. 上傳之照片為製作學生證用。

    (1) 照片規格請以最近6個月內彩色、脫帽、未戴有色眼鏡,白色或藍色背景之正面半身大頭照(解析度236 x283像素以上,JPEG檔)為主。


  3. 學籍資料如填寫不完全或照片不合格則不印製學生證,請填寫時務必檢查照片是否上傳成功或資料漏填。

Notes for Registration System:
  1. Opening Time: From August 14th , 2024 until midnight, September 5th.

  2. The photograph uploaded is for making student ID. The format should be in accordance with point (1) and (2).

    (1) At least 236X283 pixel, JPEG file.


    (2) Recent front, bust, hatless, no color glasses color photo taken within previous 6 months with blue or white background.


    (3) Student failing to upload the photo with required format by August 19th, 2024 will not be able to obtain his/her student ID on the registration day(September 1st).

  3. It is required to check whether your student enrollment information is filled out without omission. If it is filled out incompletely, the student I.D. will not be issued even if the picture is provided.

國立屏東科技大學‧校址:91201 屏東縣內埔鄉老埤村學府路1號‧電話總機:+886-8-7703202
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